Annual Reports

The JPCA has a statutory duty under the Police (Complaints and Discipline) (Jersey) Law 1999, to report annually to the Minister for Home Affairs and present data on complaints recorded about the States of Jersey Police and the Jersey Honorary Police. The reports published for the last three years can be accessed using the links on this page.

Snapshot from 2022 Annual Report:

“Irrespective of how many complaints are made, it is the role of the JPCA to ensure that every complaint is properly registered, recorded and comprehensively investigated and, where appropriate, referred to the JPCA for independent oversight and supervision.

It is a primary function of the JPCA to secure public confidence in policing and the complaints procedure by ensuring the police are accountable for their actions and lessons are learnt whilst also ensuring the interests of the police themselves are equally served. Whilst accountability of individual officers for wrongdoing is clearly important, a significant impact from our oversight and an effective complaints system, can come from themes and learning identified, not just from the complaints process in Jersey, but also learning from best practice in the UK and elsewhere in order to help strengthen policing practice more broadly.

It is equally important to note of the many thousands of incidents and 999 calls for help or assistance, the data in this report represents a small proportion of the many daily interactions between police officers and the Jersey public.”